Terms of Use (as of July 1st, 2023)
- This website (“the Website”), in the domain soorchard.com is operated by SoOrchard spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia with its registered headquarters in Warsaw, Poland, having the address ul. Marszałkowska 58, 00-545 Warszawa, TAX ID 701.100.11.59.
- Whenever the terms “SoOrchard”, “SoOr”, “We”, “Us”, “Our” are used they refer to the legal business entity above mentioned in paragraph 1.
- The Website – being the text and graphic content available in the domain soorchard.com – is the property of SoOrchard, protected by copyrights.
- The Website is offered by SoOrchard, together with all therein contained information, photos, graphics, pictures, visualizations and services available.
- Anyone using the website and its contents as described in paragraph 4, consents to abide by Terms of Use of the Website, irrespective of anyone’s status, which means that the Terms of Use apply to all users of the Website, including without limitation browser users, vendors, customers, merchants, contributors, journalists.
- Anyone who does not accept this Terms of Use and does not agree to all paragraphs stated herein may not access the Website or use any of its services.
- Information presented on the Website in no manner shall be considered to be an offer or commercial offer unless explicitly stated in writing and supported with appropriate purchase option and regulated by separate Purchase Terms and Conditions.
- The Website is dedicated to anyone at least the age of majority and is neither designed nor dedicated to minors.
- The Website and its contents may not be used for any illegal, unlawful, unauthorized purpose as well as its use by you cannot violate any laws in jurisdiction of your residence or use of the Website. You are prohibited to use the Webiste: (a) for any unlawful purpose; (b) to solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts; (c) to violate any international, federal, provincial or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances; (d) to infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others; (e) to harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability; (f) to submit false or misleading information; (g) to upload or transmit viruses or any other type of malicious code that will or may be used in any way that will affect the functionality or operation of the Website or of any related website, other websites, or the Internet; (h) to collect or track the personal information of others; (i) to spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape; (j) for any obscene or immoral purpose; or (k) to interfere with or circumvent the security features of the Website or any related website, other websites, or the Internet. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Website or any related website for violating any of the prohibited uses.
- It is not allowed to temper, alter, influence or in any way act upon the Website, its original programming code that would or even could in any way be destructive to the Website or disrupt its visibility in any way. Any breach of the above will be considered by SoOrchard as a criminal act against the property of SoOrchard and SoOrchard will have full rights to execute its rights with the use of proper legal actions including civil and criminal laws.
- SoOrchard reserves the right to discontinue, limit or suspend the services of the Website at any time to selected or all users, without the need to state any reason for such action.
- By using the Website you agree not to involve yourself or anyone into the action of reproduction, duplication, copying, selling, reselling all or part of the Webiste.
- You are at all times allowed and encouraged by SoOrchard to use links (hyperlinks) to the Website and all its respective sites as long as the links do not appear next to or on others sites with content that is illegal, unlawful, related with criminal acts, offensive, racist or promotes any of above mentioned activities.
- You are at all times allowed and encouraged by SoOrchard to quote in other media parts of the Website or use images of the Website, but only under the condition of placing next to such content, within the same page or visible at the same time, the address of the Website and the name of the owner in form SoOrchard.com
- Be advised when using the Website that alle the information presented on this Website is for information purposes unless explicitly stated in some sections, where purchase option is available.
- The Website is not meant for educational purposes. Whenever there is medical or scientific information presented on the Website it is only meant for either explanatory purposes or to present general and widely accessible knowledge, obtained from different sources. Therefore SoOrchard may take down such information, update it at its own discretion or alter it whenever SoOrchard sees the need to introduce such modification and such will not be considered to be an obligation of SoOrchard to keep the data on the Website up-to-date.
- The Website may contain certain content, photos, graphics, excerpts, materials from third parties. In some cases there may be third-party links directing you to web sites other then the Website. Under no circumstances SoOrchard will be held responsible for content on those websites other then the Website and thus SoOrchard declares it will not in any way evaluate, examine, test, assess the content, accuracy, or any other legal aspects of those websites.
- Should you send or submit any information via the Website, containing your ideas, suggestions, opinions, proposals, plans, forecasts, comments, reviews, claims, whether sent to us by email, post, or submitted via any forms or other media, including social media, you give us herein your consent to and agree for us to use without restriction, meaning copy, edit, forward, publish, distribute, translate and present in any media such information without any obligation to us to maintain any comment in confidence, pay compensation or remuneration for such information, respond or reply to it.
- SoOrchard reserves the right to monitor, edit, remove any content that it determines unlawful, offensive, illegal, abusive, socially unacceptable, violating intellectual property or general ethical standards of SoOrchard.
- Anyone using the Website agrees not to violate rights of SoOrchard or any other third party, its copyrights, trademarks, privacy, personal image, not to discriminate or violate any rights of others. If you leave any comments on the Website, or send to SoOrchard any comments or emails that contain illegal content, abusive and offensive content SoOrchard will not be held responsible for such content and you will be the sole person responsible for such content.
- Whatever personal data will be left of the website it will be governed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
- SoOrchard at no time can guarantee the use of the Website will be uninterrupted, secure, error free and won’t be held responsible for any transmission, network, technical, configuration errors and malfunctions.
- Anyone using the Website does so at one’s own (sole) risk without any guarantees as to its performance.
- In no case and under no circumstances, SoOrchard’s and its team members, subcontractors, managers, shareholders, agents will be liable for any injury, damages, loss including loss of revenue, loss of savings, data loss or any damages similar that might occur in relation to the use of the Website.
- This Terms of Use may be at any time, and without prior notice changed by SoOrchard or may be changed to be effective from a specified date.
- SoOrchard has the right to verify and asses your compliance with the Terms of Use and should SoOrchard in its judgment conclude that you have breached the Terms of Use, it can terminate your use of the Website and hold you liable for any damages resulting to SoOrchard.
- Any ambiguities in the interpretation of these Terms of Use shall not be construed against the drafting party.
- The Terms of Use of the Website are governed by the laws of Poland, a European Union member state.